Sonntag, 22. Februar 2009

Dont Touch My Base 0.31 Hotfix

Hi guys,

due to some bugs and imbalances in 0.3 we release a hotfix.
So make sure you play this version if you wont encounter those anoying bugs.

The Downloadlink is on the right ->>

Don´t Touch My Base - Improved Version
0.31 Changelog (Hotfix)


- Special Power Overlords wrath removed completely due to a gamekilling bug
it will reappear exclusively for Reaper-17 when the bug is fixed
- money income without occupied areas decreased from 15$ to 10$
- money income/area decreased from 60$ to 40$
- money income on enemy occupied areas decreased from 30$ to 20$


- Wormhole isn´t available for Scrin anymore (Traveler-59 exclusiv now)

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